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${ data.available ? `${ (+data.compare_at_price > +data.price) ? `Save
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Mixed Lot
${ data.price_min != data.price_max ? `from
` : `
` }
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const TAG = 'spz-custom-smart-search-location'; const SMART_PRODUCR_SEARCH_WRAP_CLASSNAME = 'app-smart-product-search-wrap'; const THEME_NAME = window.SHOPLAZZA.theme.merchant_theme_name; const BREAKPOINT = 960; const DELAY = 300; class SpzCustomSmartSearchLocation extends SPZ.BaseElement { constructor(element) { super(element); this.mobileHeaderPluginParentEle = null; } static deferredMount() { return false; } isLayoutSupported(layout) { return layout == SPZCore.Layout.LOGIC; } buildCallback() { this.init(); this.listenerResize(); } init() { // PC-end not load if (this.isDesktop()) { return; } if (!window.__isLoadAppSmartSearch__) { this.initSmartSearch(); console.log('__isLoadAppSmartSearch__'); } // B-end must reload if (window.self === window.top && !window.__isLoadAppSmartSearch__) { window.__isLoadAppSmartSearch__ = true; } } initSmartSearch() { if (this.hasMobileUpperRightPlugin()) { this.showMobileSmartSearch(); } else { this.addMobileSmartSearch(); } } listenerResize() { window.removeEventListener('resize', window.smartSearchResizeCallback); 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} return `${pre},${selector}`; }, ''); } } SPZ.defineElement(TAG, SpzCustomSmartSearchLocation);
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Samebike SM-C01 Electric Scooter 12 Inch 350w Motor 36v10.4ah Battery
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RS-A01 Pro-T
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` })()}
Electric Bikes
Commuter Ebikes
Fat-Tire. Off road Ebikes
Folding Ebikes
Hydraulic Brakes
SAMEBIKE RS-A01 Pro 27.5" 36V 15Ah Battery 500W Motor Max Speed 32KM/H Urban Electric Bicycle Best For Commuting And Urban Riding
Electric Scooter
Samebike SM-C01 Electric Scooter 12 Inch 350w Motor 36v10.4ah Battery
New Arrivals
RS-A01 Pro-T
SAMEBIKE SY26-II 26" 36V 14Ah Battery 500W Motor Max Speed 35KM/H Updated ElectricMountainBike
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${(function(){ const formatLinks = (links) => { return links.map(link => { link.tag = tags[link.title.toUpperCase()] || {}; link.target_attr = link.target == '_blank' ? 'target="_blank"' : ''; link.href_attr = link.url ? `href="${link.url}"` : ''; if(link.children && link.children.length){ link.children = formatLinks(link.children); } return link; }) }; const tags = "{}"; let linkList = [ { id: 74123381, title: "Electric Bikes", url: "\/collections\/electric-bikes", target: "", levels: 1, product0: { id: ("45901cf5-fc47-43c4-a8ff-caebf0619014") }, children: [ { title: "Commuter Ebikes", url: "\/collections\/commuter-ebikes", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "Fat-Tire. Off road Ebikes", url: "\/collections\/fat-tire-off-road-ebikes", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "Folding Ebikes", url: "\/collections\/folding-ebikes", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "SAMEBIKE 750W", url: "\/collections\/samebike-750w", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "Hydraulic Brakes", url: "\/collections\/hydraulic-brakes", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, ] }, { id: 74123393, title: "Electric Scooter", url: "\/collections\/electric-scooter", target: "", levels: 1, product0: { id: ("92af7a89-4653-496a-ab8d-83b4257cd087") }, children: [ { title: "SM-C01", url: "\/products\/samebike-sm-c01", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "SM-C02", url: "\/products\/samebike-sm-c02", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, ] }, { id: 74123399, title: "New Arrivals", url: "\/collections\/new-arrivals", target: "", levels: 1, product0: { id: ("33ae624b-8964-4afa-abaf-a763fcf9f945") }, children: [ { title: " SY26-II", url: "\/products\/samebike-sy26-ii-26-36v-14ah-battery-500w-motor-max-speed-35km-h-updated-electricmountainbikedelivery-in-early-february", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "RS-A01Men", url: "\/products\/samebike-rs-a01men", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "RS-A01 Pro-T", url: "\/products\/samebike-rs-a01-pro-t", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "RS-A08-II", url: "\/products\/samebike-rs-a08-ii", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "SM-C01", url: "\/products\/samebike-sm-c01", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "SM-C02", url: "\/products\/samebike-sm-c02", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, ] }, { id: 74123413, title: "Accessories", url: "\/collections\/samebike-accessories", target: "", levels: 1, product0: { id: ("410f678f-bd39-4e6f-ae85-2bc217638bc9") }, children: [ { title: "Battery", url: "\/products\/samebike-original-battery-s8ed", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "MOTOR", url: "\/products\/samebike-motor", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "Controller", url: "\/products\/samebike-original-controller", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "Meter", url: "\/products\/samebike-meter", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "Charger", url: "\/products\/samebike-original-charger", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "SAMEBIKE THROTTLE", url: "\/products\/samebike-throttle", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "SAMEBIKE Tires", url: "\/products\/samebike-tires-inner-tube", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "SAMEBIKE Inner Tube", url: "\/products\/samebike-chambre-a-air", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "Helmet", url: "\/collections\/helmet", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "Bicycle Bags", url: "\/collections\/bicycle-bags", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "Mobile phone holder", url: "\/collections\/mobile-phone-holder", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, ] }, { id: 74123437, title: "Community", url: "\/pages\/ride-share", target: "", levels: 1, product0: { id: (null) }, children: [ { title: "Ride & Share", url: "\/pages\/ride-share", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "Affiliate Marketing", url: "https:\/\/www.same-bikes.com\/pages\/Affiliate-Marketing", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "Wholesale", url: "\/pages\/wholesale", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, ] }, { id: 74123445, title: "SUPPORT", url: "", target: "", levels: 1, product0: { id: (null) }, children: [ { title: "Contact Us", url: "\/pages\/contact-us", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "About Us", url: "\/pages\/about-us", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "Warranty", url: "\/pages\/warranty", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "Return Policy", url: "\/pages\/return-policy", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "Shipping", url: "\/pages\/shipping", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "Terms Of Service", url: "\/pages\/terms-of-service", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, { title: "Privacy Policy", url: "\/pages\/privacy-policy", target: "", levels: 0, cover: '', children: [ ] }, ] }, ].slice(offset); linkList = formatLinks(linkList); const hasChild = linkList.some(link => !!(link.children && link.children.length || link.product0.id)); for (const item of linkList) { if (item.children?.length > 0) { item.active = 'active'; break; } } return `
` })()}
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const TAG = 'spz-custom-smart-search-location'; const SMART_PRODUCR_SEARCH_WRAP_CLASSNAME = 'app-smart-product-search-wrap'; const THEME_NAME = window.SHOPLAZZA.theme.merchant_theme_name; const BREAKPOINT = 960; const DELAY = 300; class SpzCustomSmartSearchLocation extends SPZ.BaseElement { constructor(element) { super(element); this.mobileHeaderPluginParentEle = null; } static deferredMount() { return false; } isLayoutSupported(layout) { return layout == SPZCore.Layout.LOGIC; } buildCallback() { this.init(); this.listenerResize(); } init() { // PC-end not load if (this.isDesktop()) { return; } if (!window.__isLoadAppSmartSearch__) { this.initSmartSearch(); console.log('__isLoadAppSmartSearch__'); } // B-end must reload if (window.self === window.top && !window.__isLoadAppSmartSearch__) { window.__isLoadAppSmartSearch__ = true; } } initSmartSearch() { if (this.hasMobileUpperRightPlugin()) { this.showMobileSmartSearch(); } else { this.addMobileSmartSearch(); } } listenerResize() { window.removeEventListener('resize', window.smartSearchResizeCallback); window.smartSearchResizeCallback = SPZCore.Types.debounce( this.win, () => { this.init(); }, DELAY ); window.addEventListener('resize', window.smartSearchResizeCallback); } isDesktop() { const mediaQueryList = window.matchMedia(`(min-width: ${BREAKPOINT}px)`); return mediaQueryList.matches; } hasMobileUpperRightPlugin() { return !['geek', 'flash', 'boost'].includes(THEME_NAME.toLocaleLowerCase()); } showMobileSmartSearch() { this.mobileHeaderPluginParentEle = this.getMobileHeaderPluginParentEle(); this.setMobileHeaderIconsPluginStyle(this.mobileHeaderPluginParentEle); } getMobileHeaderPluginParentEle() { const MOBILE_HEADER_PLUGIN_PARENT_ELE_MAP = { nova: '.header__mobile #header__plugin-container', hero: '.header__icons .tw-flex.tw-justify-end.tw-items-center.tw-space-x-7', onePage: '.header__mobile #header__plugin-container', wind: '#header-icons .flex.justify-end.items-center', eva: '#header__icons .plugin_content' }; const headerPluginParentSelector = this.combineMultipleSelectors( Object.values(MOBILE_HEADER_PLUGIN_PARENT_ELE_MAP) ); return document.querySelector(headerPluginParentSelector); } setMobileHeaderIconsPluginStyle(pluginParentEle) { if (!pluginParentEle) { return; } const containHidden = pluginParentEle.classList.contains('md:hidden'); const containTwHidden = pluginParentEle.classList.contains('md:tw-hidden'); if (containHidden || containTwHidden) { Array.from(pluginParentEle.children).forEach((pluginElement) => { if (!this.hasSmartSearchPlugin(pluginElement)) { pluginElement.style.display = 'none'; } }); pluginParentEle.classList.remove('md:hidden', 'md:tw-hidden'); } else { const smartSearchPluginElement = Array.from(pluginParentEle.children).find( (pluginElement) => { return this.hasSmartSearchPlugin(pluginElement); } ); smartSearchPluginElement.style.display = 'block'; } } hasSmartSearchPlugin(pluginElement) { return ( pluginElement.classList.contains(`${SMART_PRODUCR_SEARCH_WRAP_CLASSNAME}`) || pluginElement.querySelectorAll(`.${SMART_PRODUCR_SEARCH_WRAP_CLASSNAME}`).length > 0 ); } addMobileSmartSearch() { this.mobileHeaderIconsEle = this.getMobileHeaderIconsEle(); this.smartSearchWrapEle = this.getSmartSearchWrapEle(); this.appendSmartSearchToHeader(); } getMobileHeaderIconsEle() { // Must be the parent element of the plugin const MOBILE_HEADER_ICONS_ELE_MAP = { geek: '#header-mobile-container .flex.items-center.justify-end.flex-shrink-0', flash: '#header-layout .header__icons', boost: '.header__mobile-bottom .tw-flex.tw-items-center.tw-justify-end.tw-flex-1' }; const headerIconsSelector = this.combineMultipleSelectors( Object.values(MOBILE_HEADER_ICONS_ELE_MAP) ); return document.querySelector(headerIconsSelector); } getSmartSearchWrapEle() { const smartSearchWrapEle = document.querySelector(this.getSmartSearchWrapSelector()); if (!smartSearchWrapEle) { return null; } return smartSearchWrapEle; } appendSmartSearchToHeader() { if (!this.smartSearchWrapEle) { return; } this.mobileHeaderIconsEle.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', this.smartSearchWrapEle); } getSmartSearchWrapSelector() { const PLUGIN_POSITION = { DRAWER: 'drawer', HEADER_TOP: 'headerTop' }; // only one this plugin of ancestor element const MOBILE_PLUGIN_POSITION_ELE_MAP = { [PLUGIN_POSITION.DRAWER]: { geek: '#header-menu-mobile #menu-drawer', flash: '#menu-drawer .plugin__header-content', boost: '.header__drawer' }, [PLUGIN_POSITION.HEADER_TOP]: { geek: '#header-menu-mobile #menu-drawer', flash: '#menu-drawer .plugin__header-content', boost: '.header-content .logo-wrap' } }; const MbPluginPositionInTheme = [ ...Object.values(MOBILE_PLUGIN_POSITION_ELE_MAP[PLUGIN_POSITION.DRAWER]), ...Object.values(MOBILE_PLUGIN_POSITION_ELE_MAP[PLUGIN_POSITION.HEADER_TOP]) ]; return Object.values(MbPluginPositionInTheme).reduce((pre, ancestor) => { if (pre === '') { return `${ancestor} .app-smart-product-search-wrap`; } if (pre.includes(ancestor)) { return pre; } return `${pre},${ancestor} .app-smart-product-search-wrap`; }, ''); } combineMultipleSelectors(selectorList) { return selectorList.reduce((pre, selector) => { if (pre === '') { return `${selector}`; } if (pre.includes(selector)) { return pre; } return `${pre},${selector}`; }, ''); } } SPZ.defineElement(TAG, SpzCustomSmartSearchLocation);
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const TAG = 'spz-custom-smart-search-location'; const SMART_PRODUCR_SEARCH_WRAP_CLASSNAME = 'app-smart-product-search-wrap'; const THEME_NAME = window.SHOPLAZZA.theme.merchant_theme_name; const BREAKPOINT = 960; const DELAY = 300; class SpzCustomSmartSearchLocation extends SPZ.BaseElement { constructor(element) { super(element); this.mobileHeaderPluginParentEle = null; } static deferredMount() { return false; } isLayoutSupported(layout) { return layout == SPZCore.Layout.LOGIC; } buildCallback() { this.init(); this.listenerResize(); } init() { // PC-end not load if (this.isDesktop()) { return; } if (!window.__isLoadAppSmartSearch__) { this.initSmartSearch(); console.log('__isLoadAppSmartSearch__'); } // B-end must reload if (window.self === window.top && !window.__isLoadAppSmartSearch__) { window.__isLoadAppSmartSearch__ = true; } } initSmartSearch() { if (this.hasMobileUpperRightPlugin()) { this.showMobileSmartSearch(); } else { this.addMobileSmartSearch(); } } listenerResize() { window.removeEventListener('resize', window.smartSearchResizeCallback); window.smartSearchResizeCallback = SPZCore.Types.debounce( this.win, () => { this.init(); }, DELAY ); window.addEventListener('resize', window.smartSearchResizeCallback); } isDesktop() { const mediaQueryList = window.matchMedia(`(min-width: ${BREAKPOINT}px)`); return mediaQueryList.matches; } hasMobileUpperRightPlugin() { return !['geek', 'flash', 'boost'].includes(THEME_NAME.toLocaleLowerCase()); } showMobileSmartSearch() { this.mobileHeaderPluginParentEle = this.getMobileHeaderPluginParentEle(); this.setMobileHeaderIconsPluginStyle(this.mobileHeaderPluginParentEle); } getMobileHeaderPluginParentEle() { const MOBILE_HEADER_PLUGIN_PARENT_ELE_MAP = { nova: '.header__mobile #header__plugin-container', hero: '.header__icons .tw-flex.tw-justify-end.tw-items-center.tw-space-x-7', onePage: '.header__mobile #header__plugin-container', wind: '#header-icons .flex.justify-end.items-center', eva: '#header__icons .plugin_content' }; const headerPluginParentSelector = this.combineMultipleSelectors( Object.values(MOBILE_HEADER_PLUGIN_PARENT_ELE_MAP) ); return document.querySelector(headerPluginParentSelector); } setMobileHeaderIconsPluginStyle(pluginParentEle) { if (!pluginParentEle) { return; } const containHidden = pluginParentEle.classList.contains('md:hidden'); const containTwHidden = pluginParentEle.classList.contains('md:tw-hidden'); if (containHidden || containTwHidden) { Array.from(pluginParentEle.children).forEach((pluginElement) => { if (!this.hasSmartSearchPlugin(pluginElement)) { pluginElement.style.display = 'none'; } }); pluginParentEle.classList.remove('md:hidden', 'md:tw-hidden'); } else { const smartSearchPluginElement = Array.from(pluginParentEle.children).find( (pluginElement) => { return this.hasSmartSearchPlugin(pluginElement); } ); smartSearchPluginElement.style.display = 'block'; } } hasSmartSearchPlugin(pluginElement) { return ( pluginElement.classList.contains(`${SMART_PRODUCR_SEARCH_WRAP_CLASSNAME}`) || pluginElement.querySelectorAll(`.${SMART_PRODUCR_SEARCH_WRAP_CLASSNAME}`).length > 0 ); } addMobileSmartSearch() { this.mobileHeaderIconsEle = this.getMobileHeaderIconsEle(); this.smartSearchWrapEle = this.getSmartSearchWrapEle(); this.appendSmartSearchToHeader(); } getMobileHeaderIconsEle() { // Must be the parent element of the plugin const MOBILE_HEADER_ICONS_ELE_MAP = { geek: '#header-mobile-container .flex.items-center.justify-end.flex-shrink-0', flash: '#header-layout .header__icons', boost: '.header__mobile-bottom .tw-flex.tw-items-center.tw-justify-end.tw-flex-1' }; const headerIconsSelector = this.combineMultipleSelectors( Object.values(MOBILE_HEADER_ICONS_ELE_MAP) ); return document.querySelector(headerIconsSelector); } getSmartSearchWrapEle() { const smartSearchWrapEle = document.querySelector(this.getSmartSearchWrapSelector()); if (!smartSearchWrapEle) { return null; } return smartSearchWrapEle; } appendSmartSearchToHeader() { if (!this.smartSearchWrapEle) { return; } this.mobileHeaderIconsEle.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', this.smartSearchWrapEle); } getSmartSearchWrapSelector() { const PLUGIN_POSITION = { DRAWER: 'drawer', HEADER_TOP: 'headerTop' }; // only one this plugin of ancestor element const MOBILE_PLUGIN_POSITION_ELE_MAP = { [PLUGIN_POSITION.DRAWER]: { geek: '#header-menu-mobile #menu-drawer', flash: '#menu-drawer .plugin__header-content', boost: '.header__drawer' }, [PLUGIN_POSITION.HEADER_TOP]: { geek: '#header-menu-mobile #menu-drawer', flash: '#menu-drawer .plugin__header-content', boost: '.header-content .logo-wrap' } }; const MbPluginPositionInTheme = [ ...Object.values(MOBILE_PLUGIN_POSITION_ELE_MAP[PLUGIN_POSITION.DRAWER]), ...Object.values(MOBILE_PLUGIN_POSITION_ELE_MAP[PLUGIN_POSITION.HEADER_TOP]) ]; return Object.values(MbPluginPositionInTheme).reduce((pre, ancestor) => { if (pre === '') { return `${ancestor} .app-smart-product-search-wrap`; } if (pre.includes(ancestor)) { return pre; } return `${pre},${ancestor} .app-smart-product-search-wrap`; }, ''); } combineMultipleSelectors(selectorList) { return selectorList.reduce((pre, selector) => { if (pre === '') { return `${selector}`; } if (pre.includes(selector)) { return pre; } return `${pre},${selector}`; }, ''); } } SPZ.defineElement(TAG, SpzCustomSmartSearchLocation);
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const TAG = 'spz-custom-smart-search-location'; const SMART_PRODUCR_SEARCH_WRAP_CLASSNAME = 'app-smart-product-search-wrap'; const THEME_NAME = window.SHOPLAZZA.theme.merchant_theme_name; const BREAKPOINT = 960; const DELAY = 300; class SpzCustomSmartSearchLocation extends SPZ.BaseElement { constructor(element) { super(element); this.mobileHeaderPluginParentEle = null; } static deferredMount() { return false; } isLayoutSupported(layout) { return layout == SPZCore.Layout.LOGIC; } buildCallback() { this.init(); this.listenerResize(); } init() { // PC-end not load if (this.isDesktop()) { return; } if (!window.__isLoadAppSmartSearch__) { this.initSmartSearch(); console.log('__isLoadAppSmartSearch__'); } // B-end must reload if (window.self === window.top && !window.__isLoadAppSmartSearch__) { window.__isLoadAppSmartSearch__ = true; } } initSmartSearch() { if (this.hasMobileUpperRightPlugin()) { this.showMobileSmartSearch(); } else { this.addMobileSmartSearch(); } } listenerResize() { window.removeEventListener('resize', window.smartSearchResizeCallback); window.smartSearchResizeCallback = SPZCore.Types.debounce( this.win, () => { this.init(); }, DELAY ); window.addEventListener('resize', window.smartSearchResizeCallback); } isDesktop() { const mediaQueryList = window.matchMedia(`(min-width: ${BREAKPOINT}px)`); return mediaQueryList.matches; } hasMobileUpperRightPlugin() { return !['geek', 'flash', 'boost'].includes(THEME_NAME.toLocaleLowerCase()); } showMobileSmartSearch() { this.mobileHeaderPluginParentEle = this.getMobileHeaderPluginParentEle(); this.setMobileHeaderIconsPluginStyle(this.mobileHeaderPluginParentEle); } getMobileHeaderPluginParentEle() { const MOBILE_HEADER_PLUGIN_PARENT_ELE_MAP = { nova: '.header__mobile #header__plugin-container', hero: '.header__icons .tw-flex.tw-justify-end.tw-items-center.tw-space-x-7', onePage: '.header__mobile #header__plugin-container', wind: '#header-icons .flex.justify-end.items-center', eva: '#header__icons .plugin_content' }; const headerPluginParentSelector = this.combineMultipleSelectors( Object.values(MOBILE_HEADER_PLUGIN_PARENT_ELE_MAP) ); return document.querySelector(headerPluginParentSelector); } setMobileHeaderIconsPluginStyle(pluginParentEle) { if (!pluginParentEle) { return; } const containHidden = pluginParentEle.classList.contains('md:hidden'); const containTwHidden = pluginParentEle.classList.contains('md:tw-hidden'); if (containHidden || containTwHidden) { Array.from(pluginParentEle.children).forEach((pluginElement) => { if (!this.hasSmartSearchPlugin(pluginElement)) { pluginElement.style.display = 'none'; } }); pluginParentEle.classList.remove('md:hidden', 'md:tw-hidden'); } else { const smartSearchPluginElement = Array.from(pluginParentEle.children).find( (pluginElement) => { return this.hasSmartSearchPlugin(pluginElement); } ); smartSearchPluginElement.style.display = 'block'; } } hasSmartSearchPlugin(pluginElement) { return ( pluginElement.classList.contains(`${SMART_PRODUCR_SEARCH_WRAP_CLASSNAME}`) || pluginElement.querySelectorAll(`.${SMART_PRODUCR_SEARCH_WRAP_CLASSNAME}`).length > 0 ); } addMobileSmartSearch() { this.mobileHeaderIconsEle = this.getMobileHeaderIconsEle(); this.smartSearchWrapEle = this.getSmartSearchWrapEle(); this.appendSmartSearchToHeader(); } getMobileHeaderIconsEle() { // Must be the parent element of the plugin const MOBILE_HEADER_ICONS_ELE_MAP = { geek: '#header-mobile-container .flex.items-center.justify-end.flex-shrink-0', flash: '#header-layout .header__icons', boost: '.header__mobile-bottom .tw-flex.tw-items-center.tw-justify-end.tw-flex-1' }; const headerIconsSelector = this.combineMultipleSelectors( Object.values(MOBILE_HEADER_ICONS_ELE_MAP) ); return document.querySelector(headerIconsSelector); } getSmartSearchWrapEle() { const smartSearchWrapEle = document.querySelector(this.getSmartSearchWrapSelector()); if (!smartSearchWrapEle) { return null; } return smartSearchWrapEle; } appendSmartSearchToHeader() { if (!this.smartSearchWrapEle) { return; } this.mobileHeaderIconsEle.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', this.smartSearchWrapEle); } getSmartSearchWrapSelector() { const PLUGIN_POSITION = { DRAWER: 'drawer', HEADER_TOP: 'headerTop' }; // only one this plugin of ancestor element const MOBILE_PLUGIN_POSITION_ELE_MAP = { [PLUGIN_POSITION.DRAWER]: { geek: '#header-menu-mobile #menu-drawer', flash: '#menu-drawer .plugin__header-content', boost: '.header__drawer' }, [PLUGIN_POSITION.HEADER_TOP]: { geek: '#header-menu-mobile #menu-drawer', flash: '#menu-drawer .plugin__header-content', boost: '.header-content .logo-wrap' } }; const MbPluginPositionInTheme = [ ...Object.values(MOBILE_PLUGIN_POSITION_ELE_MAP[PLUGIN_POSITION.DRAWER]), ...Object.values(MOBILE_PLUGIN_POSITION_ELE_MAP[PLUGIN_POSITION.HEADER_TOP]) ]; return Object.values(MbPluginPositionInTheme).reduce((pre, ancestor) => { if (pre === '') { return `${ancestor} .app-smart-product-search-wrap`; } if (pre.includes(ancestor)) { return pre; } return `${pre},${ancestor} .app-smart-product-search-wrap`; }, ''); } combineMultipleSelectors(selectorList) { return selectorList.reduce((pre, selector) => { if (pre === '') { return `${selector}`; } if (pre.includes(selector)) { return pre; } return `${pre},${selector}`; }, ''); } } SPZ.defineElement(TAG, SpzCustomSmartSearchLocation);
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(function () { let w = window.innerWidth; function setHeaderCssVar() { const headerEle = document.getElementById( "shoplaza-section-header", ); if (!headerEle) { return; } document.body.style.setProperty( "--window-height", `${window.innerHeight}px`, ); document.body.style.setProperty( "--header-height", `${headerEle.clientHeight}px`, ); const mdScorllHideEle = headerEle.querySelector( ".header__mobile .header__scroll_hide", ); if (mdScorllHideEle) { document.body.style.setProperty( "--header-scroll-hide-height-md", `${mdScorllHideEle.clientHeight}px`, ); } const pcScorllHideEle = headerEle.querySelector( ".header__desktop .header__scroll_hide", ); if (pcScorllHideEle) { document.body.style.setProperty( "--header-scroll-hide-height-pc", `${pcScorllHideEle.clientHeight}px`, ); } } function handlResize() { if (w == window.innerWidth) { return; } w = window.innerWidth; setHeaderCssVar(); } function init() { setHeaderCssVar(); window.removeEventListener("resize", window._theme_header_listener); window._theme_header_listener = handlResize; window.addEventListener("resize", window._theme_header_listener); } init(); })();
(function() { const STATUS = { LOADING: 'loading', FINISH: 'finish' }; const RESULT = { EMPTY: 'data-empty' }; class SPZCustomCartSku extends SPZ.BaseElement { renderData = []; /** * add to cart reselect item, and delete process: * 1. record reselect id before show reselect modal * 2. add to cart success, mark `needDeleteReselectRecord` to true * 3. close reselect modal / drawer * 4. spz-cart re-render, triggered mounted event * 5. call refresh */ // mark delete reselect id recordReselectId = null; // mark should delete reselect record after spz-cart mounted event needDeleteReselectRecord = false; refreshLock = false; addToCartSuccess = false; // cache paused refresh data refreshDataCache = []; // cache similar products data, for manual add to cart similarData = []; constructor(element) { super(element); this.xhr_ = SPZServices.xhrFor(this.win); this.action_ = SPZServices.actionServiceForDoc(this.element); } setupAction_() { this.registerAction('refresh', (invocation) => { const data = invocation && invocation.args && invocation.args.data || {}; this.refresh(data); }); this.registerAction('deleteReselect', SPZCore.Types.debounce( this.win, (invocation) => { this.deleteReselect(invocation?.args?.id); }, 200 )); this.registerAction('deleteInvalid', SPZCore.Types.debounce( this.win, (invocation) => { this.deleteInvalid(invocation?.args?.id); }, 200 )); this.registerAction('setReselectRecordId', (invocation) => { this.setReselectRecordId(invocation?.args?.id); }); this.registerAction('clearNeedReselectRecord', (invocation) => { this.clearNeedReselectRecord(); }); this.registerAction('registerDeleteReselectTask', (invocation) => { this.registerDeleteReselectTask(invocation?.args?.data); }); this.registerAction('lockRefresh', (invocation) => { this.lockRefresh(); }); this.registerAction('releaseRefreshLock', (invocation) => { this.releaseRefreshLock(); }); this.registerAction('manualAddToCart', (invocation) => { this.manualAddToCart(invocation?.args?.id); }); this.registerAction('syncSimilarData', (invocation) => { this.syncSimilarData(invocation?.args?.data); }); // DEBUG this.registerAction('log', (invocation) => { const data = invocation && invocation.args && invocation.args.data || {}; console.log('log', invocation); }); } buildCallback() { this.setupAction_(); } isLayoutSupported(layout) { return true; } /** * 数据去重 * @param {Array} data */ uniq_(data) { const result = []; for(let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if(!result.includes(data[i])) { result.push(data[i]); } } return result; } checkRefreshLock() { if (this.refreshLock) { return false; } return true; } setLoading(isLoading) { SPZCore.Dom.toggleAttribute(this.element, STATUS.LOADING, isLoading); SPZCore.Dom.toggleAttribute(this.element, STATUS.FINISH, !isLoading); } setDataResult(data) { const isDataEmpty = !data.reselectSkus.length && !data.invalidSkus.length && !data.line_items.length; SPZCore.Dom.toggleAttribute(this.element, RESULT.EMPTY, isDataEmpty); } // 存在多次请求顺序问题 async refresh(_data) { // 接口失败时返回数据不为对象 if (!(typeof _data === 'object' && _data.line_items && _data.line_items.length > 0)) { const newData = { line_items: [], reselectSkus: [], invalidSkus: [], displayInvalidSkus: [] }; this.trigger_('refreshError', newData); this.setLoading(false); return; } if (!this.checkRefreshLock()) { this.setRefreshCache(_data); return; } this.setLoading(true); let data = _data; if (this.needDeleteReselectRecord && this.recordReselectId) { let hasError = false; try { data = await this.deleteReselectRecordBeforeRefresh(_data); } catch (e) { hasError = true; console.error(e); const newData = { ...data, reselectSkus: [], invalidSkus: [], displayInvalidSkus: [] }; this.trigger_('refreshError', newData); this.setLoading(false); this.setDataResult(newData); return; } this.needDeleteReselectRecord = false; if (hasError) { return; } } // 获取失效商品 const invisibleItems = data.ineffectives; // 获取失效商品内仅售罄商品的sku const soldOutItems = invisibleItems.filter(item => item.reason === "line_item_sold_out"); // 通过失效 sku 获取 spu, 注意去重 const soldOutSpuIds = this.uniq_(soldOutItems.map(item => item.product_id)); const querySpuIds = soldOutSpuIds.map(spuId => `ids[]=${spuId}`).join('&'); if (!soldOutSpuIds.length) { const newData = { ...data, reselectSkus: [], invalidSkus: [], displayInvalidSkus: [] }; this.trigger_('refreshSuccess', newData); this.renderData = newData; this.setLoading(false); this.setDataResult(newData); return; } // 请求 spu 下其他 sku 库存 this.xhr_.fetchJson(`/api/product/list?limit=${soldOutSpuIds.length}&${querySpuIds}`) .then(res => { const reselectSkus = []; const invalidSkus = []; // spu 维度展示 const displayInvalidSkus = []; res.data.list.forEach(product => { // spu 匹配, 存在多 sku 情况 const soldOutSkus = soldOutItems.filter(item => item.product_id === product.id); if (!soldOutSkus.length) { return; } // 通过失效 sku 获取 spu 下其他 sku 库存, 存在其他可用库存时标记为 "Reselect" 按钮可用 //const allowReselect = product.variants // .filter(variant => variant.option1 === soldOutProduct.variant.option1 && variant.option2 === soldOutProduct.variant.option2 && variant.option3 === soldOutProduct.variant.option3) // .some(variant => variant.available); // 查询售罄 sku 对应商品是否可加购, 标记为 Reselect 可用项 if (product.available) { reselectSkus.push(...soldOutSkus); // 若商品不可用(全部 sku 售罄), 归纳到失效商品列表 } else { invalidSkus.push(...soldOutSkus); // spu 维度, 仅添加一项 sku displayInvalidSkus.push(soldOutSkus[0]); } }); const newData = { ...data, reselectSkus, invalidSkus, displayInvalidSkus }; this.trigger_('refreshSuccess', newData); this.renderData = newData; this.setLoading(false); this.setDataResult(newData); }) .catch(err => { this.setLoading(false); console.error(err); this.trigger_('refreshError', data); }).finally(() => { }); } async deleteReselect(id, ignoreEmit) { if (!id) { return; } const targetSku = this.renderData.reselectSkus.find(item => item.id === id); try { const res = await this.xhr_.fetchJson(`/api/cart/${targetSku.variant_id}`, { method: 'DELETE', body: { id: targetSku.id, product_id: targetSku.product_id, variant_id: targetSku.variant_id, } }); const newData = { ...this.renderData, reselectSkus: this.renderData.reselectSkus.filter(item => item.id !== id), }; this.renderData = newData; !ignoreEmit && this.trigger_('deleteSuccess', newData); } catch (err) { console.error(err); !ignoreEmit && this.trigger_('deleteError', err); } } deleteInvalid(id) { if (!id) { return; } const targetSku = this.renderData.invalidSkus.find(item => item.id === id); this.xhr_.fetchJson(`/api/cart/${targetSku.variant_id}`, { method: 'DELETE', body: { id: targetSku.id, product_id: targetSku.product_id, variant_id: targetSku.variant_id, } }) .then(res => { const newData = { ...this.renderData, invalidSkus: this.renderData.invalidSkus.filter(item => item.id !== id), displayInvalidSkus: this.renderData.displayInvalidSkus.filter(item => item.id !== id), }; this.trigger_('deleteSuccess', newData); this.renderData = newData; }) .catch(err => { console.error(err); this.trigger_('deleteError', err); }); } // record reselect sku id before show reselect modal setReselectRecordId(id) { if (!id) { return; } this.recordReselectId = id; } async deleteReselectRecordBeforeRefresh(data) { if (!this.recordReselectId) { return; } await this.deleteReselect(this.recordReselectId, true); return { ...data, ineffectives: data.ineffectives.filter(item => item.id !== this.recordReselectId) } } clearNeedReselectRecord() { this.needDeleteReselectRecord = false; } registerDeleteReselectTask(productData) { const targetSku = this.renderData.reselectSkus.find(item => item.id === this.recordReselectId); if (targetSku?.variant_id && productData?.variant.id) { if (targetSku.variant_id === productData?.variant.id) { this.needDeleteReselectRecord = false; return; } } this.needDeleteReselectRecord = true; } // pause cart refresh(trigger by similar products) lockRefresh() { if (this.refreshLock) { return; } this.refreshLock = true; } releaseRefreshLock() { if (!this.refreshLock) { return; } this.refreshLock = false; this.refreshWithCache(); } // direct add_to_cart(trigger by similar products) async manualAddToCart(id) { const target = this.similarData.find(item => item.id === id); this.lockRefresh(); try { const res = await this.xhr_.fetchJson(`/api/cart`, { method: 'POST', body: { note: '', product_id: target.id, quantity: '1', variant_id: target.variants[0].id, refer_info: { source: 'add_to_cart' } } }); const newCartItems = res.data.items; this.setRefreshCache(newCartItems, true); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } } syncSimilarData(data) { this.similarData = data.data; } setRefreshCache(data, patch) { if (patch) { this.refreshDataCache = { ...this.refreshDataCache, line_items: [...this.refreshDataCache.line_items, ...data] }; } else { this.refreshDataCache = data; } } refreshWithCache() { this.refresh(this.refreshDataCache); } mountCallback() { } unmountCallback() { } /** * trigger event * @param {Object} data */ trigger_(name, data) { const event = SPZUtils.Event.create(this.win, `spz-custom-cart-sku.${name}`, { data, }); this.action_.trigger(this.element, name, event); } } SPZ.defineElement('spz-custom-cart-sku', SPZCustomCartSku); }())
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Cart ${function() { const show = data && data.line_items && data.line_items.length > 0; const count = show ? data.line_items.reduce((acc, line) => { acc += parseInt(line.quantity); return acc; }, 0) : 0; return `
`; }()}
Sold out
${item.options.map(option => option.value).join('/')}
${propertie.name}/${propertie.isImage ? `
View image
` : propertie.value}
Free gift
Mixed Lot
Similar products
Similar products
${item.options.map(option => option.value).join('/')}
${propertie.name}/${propertie.isImage ? `
View image
` : propertie.value}
Free gift
Mixed Lot
${item.options.map(option => option.value).join('/')}
${propertie.name}/${propertie.isImage ? `
View image
` : propertie.value}
Free gift
Mixed Lot
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${function() { const textArray = ("Save {{save_amount}}").split(/\{\{\s*save_amount\}\}/); if (textArray.length > 0 && textArray.length < 2) { textArray.push(''); } return textArray.map((text, index) => { if (index == 0) { return `
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`; } return `
`; }).join(''); }()}
Check out
Taxes and shipping cost are calculated at checkout
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`; } return `
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`; } return `
`; }).join(''); }()}
Check out
Check out
Taxes and shipping cost are calculated at checkout
Check out
Taxes and shipping cost are calculated at checkout
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${function() { const variantData = data.variant || data.product.variants.find(v => v.available) || data.product.variants[0]; const saveType = null; const productLabelDiscountOn = null; return `
${saveType == 'percentage' ? `-${variantData.off_ratio}%` : `
` }
`; }()}
See detail
${function() { let variantImageShowed = false; const currentProduct = data.product; // fix default selected variant let selectedValues = data.selectedValues; if (Object.keys(data.selectedValues.length === 0)) { const selectedVariant = currentProduct.variants.find(v => v.available) || currentProduct.variants[0]; if (selectedVariant) { selectedVariant.options.forEach((option, idx) => { if (!selectedValues[option.name]) { selectedValues[option.name] = []; } if (selectedValues[option.name].indexOf(option.value) === -1) { selectedValues[option.name].push(option.value); } }); } } return (currentProduct.options || []).map((option, index) => { const optionName = option.name || ''; const position = `option${index + 1}`; let isThumbImage = false; if (currentProduct.need_variant_image && !variantImageShowed) { const variantNames = ["color"] || []; for (let i = 0, len = variantNames.length; i < len; i++) { const name = variantNames[i].toLowerCase(); if (name === optionName.toLowerCase()) { isThumbImage = true; variantImageShowed = true; } } } const variantType = "button"; const thumbStyle = "image_with_text"; return `
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` }).join('')}
${option.values.map(value => { const selected = data.selectedValues[optionName] == value ? 'selected' : ''; return `
` }).join('')}
` }).join(''); }()}
${data.originData && data.originData.value || data.value}
${data.index + 1}/${data.total}
${Array(data.total).fill(0).map((num, index) => { return `
`; }).join('')}
${function(){ const wholesale_enabled = false; const qty = data.quantity || 1; const currentSelectVariant = data.variant; const defaultVariant = (data.product && data.product.variants && data.product.variants[0]); const productVariant = null; const variantData = currentSelectVariant || defaultVariant || productVariant; const wholesale_price = variantData.wholesale_price || []; if(wholesale_enabled && wholesale_price.length > 0) { let wholesaleIndex = wholesale_price.findIndex(item => { return item.min_quantity > qty; }); if(wholesaleIndex < 0){ wholesaleIndex = wholesale_price.length - 1; }else if(wholesaleIndex > 0){ wholesaleIndex = wholesaleIndex - 1; } const wholesalePrice = wholesale_price[wholesaleIndex] || ''; return `
` }else { const price = variantData && variantData.price; return price != undefined ? `
` : '
'; } }()}
${function() { const selectedVariant = data.variant; const isSoldOut = ((selectedVariant && !selectedVariant.available) || (!selectedVariant && !productData.available)); const statusLan = isSoldOut ? "Sold out" : "Add to cart"; return `
`; }()}
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${data.product.images.map((item, index0) => { const extra = index0 === initialSlideIndex ? 'ssr size-ratio="2"' : ''; return `
`; }).join('')}
${imageSize > 1 ? `
${images.map((index1) => { return `
`; }).join('')}
` : ''}
${imageSize > 1 ? `
${images.map((imageItem, index1) => { const extra2 = initialSlideIndex == index1 ? 'selected' : ''; return`
`; }).join('')}
` : ''}`; }()}
Mixed Lot
`; }()}
${function(){ const currentSelectVariant = data.variant; const defaultVariant = (data.product && data.product.variants && data.product.variants[0]); const variantData = currentSelectVariant || defaultVariant || data; const retail_price = variantData.retail_price || 0; return `
` }()}
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` }else { const price = variantData && variantData.price; return price != undefined ? `
` : '
'; } }()}
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${(function(){ const get_random_six_digits = () => { return Math.random().toString().slice(-6) }; const wholesale_enabled = false; const setting_product_image_display = "natural"; const product_image = data.image; const secondary_image = data.secondImage; const image_width = product_image.width; let image_height = product_image.height; if(setting_product_image_display == '100%'){ image_height = image_width; }else if(setting_product_image_display == '133.33%'){ image_height = image_width * 1.3333; }; let product_image_hover_on = false; const has_save_label = true && ((+data.compare_at_price) > (+data.price)); const is_single_variant = data.variants.length == 1; const min_price_variant_href = (data.min_price_variant && data.min_price_variant.available) ? data.min_price_variant.withinUrl : data.withinUrl; const retail_price_max = data.retail_price_max || data.compare_at_price_max; const THUMBNAILS_MAX_SIZE = 3; const thumbnails = data.thumbVariants.slice(0, THUMBNAILS_MAX_SIZE); const image_wrap_id = 'image_wrap_' + get_random_six_digits(); const image_carousel_id = 'image_carousel_' + get_random_six_digits(); const thumbnails_selector_id = 'thumbnails_selector_' + get_random_six_digits(); const form_id = 'form_' + get_random_six_digits(); const mixed_wholesale = data.mixed_wholesale; let atc_handler = ''; if (data.has_only_default_variant) { atc_handler = `custom-cart-drawer-sku.manualAddToCart(id=${data.id});add-card-toast-success.showToast(content='Added successfully');`; } else { atc_handler = `cart-invalid-drawer-quick-shop-render.render(src='/api/products/${data.id}',redo=true);cart-invalid-product-detail-drawer.open();`; } return `
${ data.available ? `${ (+data.compare_at_price > +data.price) ? `Save
` : '' }` : "Sold out" }
Mixed Lot
${ data.price_min != data.price_max ? `from
` : `
` }
` })()}
${function() { const isEmpty = data && data.length === 0; if (isEmpty) { return `
oops! There are currently no similar products in the store
`; } return `
`; }()}
${Array(data.total).fill(0).map((num, index) => { return `
`; }).join('')}
${function() { let variantImageShowed = false; const currentProduct = data.product; // fix default selected variant let selectedValues = data.selectedValues; if (Object.keys(data.selectedValues.length === 0)) { const selectedVariant = currentProduct.variants.find(v => v.available) || currentProduct.variants[0]; if (selectedVariant) { selectedVariant.options.forEach((option, idx) => { if (!selectedValues[option.name]) { selectedValues[option.name] = []; } if (selectedValues[option.name].indexOf(option.value) === -1) { selectedValues[option.name].push(option.value); } }); } } return (currentProduct.options || []).map((option, index) => { const optionName = option.name || ''; const position = `option${index + 1}`; let isThumbImage = false; if (currentProduct.need_variant_image && !variantImageShowed) { const variantNames = ["color"] || []; for (let i = 0, len = variantNames.length; i < len; i++) { const name = variantNames[i].toLowerCase(); if (name === optionName.toLowerCase()) { isThumbImage = true; variantImageShowed = true; } } } const variantType = "button"; const thumbStyle = "image_with_text"; return `
${option.values.map((value, idx) => { const selected = data.selectedValues[optionName] == value ? 'checked' : ''; let thumbImage = null; if (isThumbImage) { const variants = currentProduct.variants; for (let i = 0, len = variants.length; i < len; i++) { const variant = variants[i]; if (variant[position] == value && thumbImage == null) { thumbImage = variant.image; break; } } } return `
` }).join('')}
${option.values.map(value => { const selected = data.selectedValues[optionName] == value ? 'selected' : ''; return `
` }).join('')}
` }).join(''); }()}
${data.originData && data.originData.value || data.value}
${function() { const variantData = data.variant || data.product.variants.find(v => v.available) || data.product.variants[0]; const saveType = "amount"; const productLabelDiscountOn = true; return `
${saveType == 'percentage' ? `-${variantData.off_ratio}%` : `
` }
`; }()}
See detail
${function(){ const currentSelectVariant = data.variant; const defaultVariant = (data.product && data.product.variants && data.product.variants[0]); const variantData = currentSelectVariant || defaultVariant || data; const retail_price = variantData.retail_price || 0; return `
` }()}
${function(){ const wholesale_enabled = false; const qty = data.quantity || 1; const currentSelectVariant = data.variant; const defaultVariant = (data.product && data.product.variants && data.product.variants[0]); const productVariant = null; const variantData = currentSelectVariant || defaultVariant || productVariant; const wholesale_price = variantData.wholesale_price || []; if(wholesale_enabled && wholesale_price.length > 0) { let wholesaleIndex = wholesale_price.findIndex(item => { return item.min_quantity > qty; }); if(wholesaleIndex < 0){ wholesaleIndex = wholesale_price.length - 1; }else if(wholesaleIndex > 0){ wholesaleIndex = wholesaleIndex - 1; } const wholesalePrice = wholesale_price[wholesaleIndex] || ''; return `
` }else { const price = variantData && variantData.price; return price != undefined ? `
` : '
'; } }()}
${function(){ const wholesale_enabled = false; const qty = data.quantity || 1; const currentSelectVariant = data.variant; const defaultVariant = (data.product && data.product.variants && data.product.variants[0]); const productVariant = null; const variantData = currentSelectVariant || defaultVariant || productVariant; const wholesale_price = variantData.wholesale_price || []; if(wholesale_enabled && wholesale_price.length > 0) { let wholesaleIndex = wholesale_price.findIndex(item => { return item.min_quantity > qty; }); if(wholesaleIndex < 0){ wholesaleIndex = wholesale_price.length - 1; }else if(wholesaleIndex > 0){ wholesaleIndex = wholesaleIndex - 1; } const wholesalePrice = wholesale_price[wholesaleIndex] || ''; return `
` }else { const price = variantData && variantData.price; return price != undefined ? `
` : '
'; } }()}
${function() { const selectedVariant = data.variant; const isSoldOut = ((selectedVariant && !selectedVariant.available) || (!selectedVariant && !productData.available)); const statusLan = isSoldOut ? "Sold out" : "Add to cart"; return `
`; }()}
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${function() { const variantData = data.variant || data.product.variants.find(v => v.available) || data.product.variants[0]; const saveType = "amount"; const productLabelDiscountOn = true; return `
${saveType == 'percentage' ? `-${variantData.off_ratio}%` : `
` }
`; }()}
See detail
${function(){ const productData = data.product; let product_change_event = '', mouse_over_event = ' ', mouse_out_event = ''; const product_options = productData.options.filter(Boolean) || []; for (let opt of product_options) { product_change_event = product_change_event + `cart-invalid-drawer-quick-shop-selected-variant-${opt.name}.rerender(data=event.selectedValues.${opt.name});`; mouse_out_event = mouse_out_event + `cart-invalid-drawer-quick-shop-selected-variant-${opt.name}.rerender(data=event.selectData.${opt.name});`; mouse_over_event = mouse_over_event + `@${opt.name}Mouseover="cart-invalid-drawer-quick-shop-selected-variant-${opt.name}.rerender(data=event);"`; } const selectedVariant = productData.variants.find(v => v.available) || productData.variants[0]; const statusLan = ((selectedVariant && !selectedVariant.available) || (!selectedVariant && !productData.available)) ? "Sold out" : "Add to cart"; const mobSelectedVariant = productData.variants.find(v => v.available) || productData.variants[0]; const mobInitialSlideIndex = productData.images.findIndex((item) => item.src === selectedVariant.image.src); const mobImages = productData.images; const mobImageSize = productData.images.length; const stickyEvent = "cart-invalid-drawer-quick-shop-summary-sticky-render.toggleClass(class='visible', force=false);cart-invalid-drawer-quick-shop-summary-sticky-compensation-container.toggleClass(class='visible', force=false);cart-invalid-drawer-quick-shop-observer.restart();cart-invalid-drawer-quick-shop-summary-sticky-render.rerender(data=event);"; return `
${function() { const force_image_size = 'natural'; const thumbnailPosition = 'below'; const selectedVariant = data.product.variants.find(v => v.available) || data.product.variants[0]; let initialSlideIndex = data.product.images.findIndex((item) => item.src === selectedVariant.image.src); if (initialSlideIndex === -1) { initialSlideIndex = 0; } const images = data.product.images; const imageSize = data.product.images.length; console.log('cart-product-drawer product images render', data, selectedVariant, initialSlideIndex, images, imageSize); return `
${images.map((item, index0) => { const extra = index0 === initialSlideIndex ? 'ssr size-ratio="2"' : ''; return `
`; }).join('')}
${imageSize > 1 ? `
${images.map((index1) => { return `
`; }).join('')}
` : ''}
${imageSize > 1 ? `
${images.map((imageItem, index1) => { const extra2 = initialSlideIndex == index1 ? 'selected' : ''; return`
`; }).join('')}
` : ''}`; }()}
Mixed Lot
`; }()}
View Cart
${function(){ const productData = data.product; let product_change_event = '', mouse_over_event = ' '; mouse_out_event = ''; const product_options = productData.options.filter(Boolean) || []; for (let opt of product_options) { product_change_event = product_change_event + `quick-shop-selected-variant-${opt.name}.rerender(data=event.selectedValues.${opt.name});`; mouse_out_event = mouse_out_event + `quick-shop-selected-variant-${opt.name}.rerender(data=event.selectData.${opt.name});`; mouse_over_event = mouse_over_event + `@${opt.name}Mouseover="quick-shop-selected-variant-${opt.name}.rerender(data=event);"`; } const selectedVariant = productData.variants.find(v => v.available) || productData.variants[0]; const statusLan = ((selectedVariant && !selectedVariant.available) || (!selectedVariant && !productData.available)) ? "Sold out" : "Add to cart"; return `
` }()}
${function(){ const currentSelectVariant = data.variant; const defaultVariant = (data.product && data.product.variants && data.product.variants[0]); const variantData = currentSelectVariant || defaultVariant || data; const retail_price = variantData.retail_price || 0; return `
` }()}
${function(){ const wholesale_enabled = false; const qty = data.quantity || 1; const currentSelectVariant = data.variant; const defaultVariant = (data.product && data.product.variants && data.product.variants[0]); const productVariant = null; const variantData = currentSelectVariant || defaultVariant || productVariant; const wholesale_price = variantData.wholesale_price || []; if(wholesale_enabled && wholesale_price.length > 0) { let wholesaleIndex = wholesale_price.findIndex(item => { return item.min_quantity > qty; }); if(wholesaleIndex < 0){ wholesaleIndex = wholesale_price.length - 1; }else if(wholesaleIndex > 0){ wholesaleIndex = wholesaleIndex - 1; } const wholesalePrice = wholesale_price[wholesaleIndex] || ''; return `
` }else { const price = variantData && variantData.price; return price != undefined ? `
` : '
'; } }()}
${function() { let variantImageShowed = false; const currentProduct = data.product; return (currentProduct.options || []).map((option, index) => { const optionName = option.name || ''; const position = `option${index + 1}`; let isThumbImage = false; if (currentProduct.need_variant_image && !variantImageShowed) { const variantNames = ["color"] || []; for (let i = 0, len = variantNames.length; i < len; i++) { const name = variantNames[i].toLowerCase(); if (name === optionName.toLowerCase()) { isThumbImage = true; variantImageShowed = true; } } } const variantType = "button"; const thumbStyle = "image_with_text"; return `
${option.values.map((value, idx) => { const selected = data.selectedValues[optionName] == value ? 'checked' : ''; let thumbImage = null; if (isThumbImage) { const variants = currentProduct.variants; for (let i = 0, len = variants.length; i < len; i++) { const variant = variants[i]; if (variant[position] == value && thumbImage == null) { thumbImage = variant.image; break; } } } return `
` }).join('')}
${option.values.map(value => { const selected = data.selectedValues[optionName] == value ? 'selected' : ''; return `
` }).join('')}
` }).join(''); }()}
${data.originData && data.originData.value || data.value}